July 23, 2022

16 RG Stair and Overcomer's Ministry Doomsday Cult

16 RG Stair and Overcomer's Ministry Doomsday Cult

Holy moly! Another little known cult that should be well known.  RG Stair started a world wide media empire on AM radio, then on the internet, and made millions. He also had a commune where his followers liquidated every thing they owned to move to the South Carolina commune...and gave all the money to RG to live in squalor and slave 7 days a week for no pay...all to be safe from Armageddon.
RG had a prophet complex, he was a narcissist, and an over all piece of garbage. And he also liked the young girls.
This story has a twist too, when a well known hip hop artist joined the ranks.  How this cult slipped under the radar is beyond me.
Grab a beer. Its gonna get culty.

Say What You Mean podcast, referenced several times on this episode

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